The intro to each and every episode is a snippet taken from a SID tune called Radio 64 which was composed by Fanta ^ Oxyron (aka Alexander Rotzsch) way back in 2006. Click here to hear the tune in full via DeepSID.
Episodes Track Listing
Radio Free Matlock era
This PDF is updated every time a new episode is released. It contains every track that features in every episode released.
- Episodes 1 – 71 (PDF) – These episodes are from the Radio Free Matlock Era (May 2018 to October 2024).
Note: Episode 70 was the last monthly episode in the series. Max took a break from creating new episodes but will be back at some point with “one off specials” rather than a recurring monthly episode. Episode 71 was a one-off special with nothing but Rob Hubbard tunes in it.
Scenesat era
- Episodes 72 onwards (PDF) – These episodes are released on Scenesat Radio (December 2024 onwards)
This page has been split by year, from the first episode that appeared in 2018, through to the most recent. Each year has a separate download page. This will allow us to add “extra bits” to each page in the future.
Each page contains links to every episode from that year. They are hosted in .ZIP files as our bandwidth won’t cover direct streaming.
There’s not much we can do about the slow download speeds at present. It’s a lot slower than Dropbox, but them’s the breaks when you host the downloads yourself. However, if you have a Mega.NZ or Google Drive account, then see below.
If you want to host the episodes yourself, get in touch via the Facebook page and we’ll add your domain to the listings.
Bulk Downloads
Some cloud hosts allow you to subscribe to certain folders, so that you can sync your local offline copy with the cloud-version. We’ve got this set up via Google Drive and Mega.NZ. Both cloud hosts contain the FLAC and MP3 variants of each episode, so make sure you sync with the kind you want. Or both types 🙂
Google Drive
This link takes you to the complete collection of episodes – Thanks to Alan Day for hosting it in his Google Drive.
This link takes you to the complete collection of episodes – Hosted on Mike’s Mega.NZ account.
If you want to stream any of the episodes, they can be found on the Mixcloud page and use the search option to find them.
YouTube Channel
Jackie looks after this aspect and uploads the newer episodes to the channel for those you who like audio and visual fulfillment.